A series of Online
Karam Kriya Workshops

Starting 16th April 2024

An exquisite mentoring and magical journey to the Self using the powerful combination of Karam Kriya with Kundalini Yoga. Study numbers through life and life through numbers: a map and a guide to Self-Discovery.

Introduction to Karam Kriya: 16th April 2024
Number 7:
  7th  May 2024
Number 5:  4th June 2024
Number 1:  9th July 2024
Number 2:  6th August 2024
Number 3:  10th September 2024
Number 4:  15th October 2024
Number 6: 12th November 2024
Number 8: 17th December 2024
Number 9: 7th January 2024

Time: 10am-1pm

Cost: £400 Includes monthly workshops on Karam Kriya Numerology, spiritual mentorships, videos of Kundalini Yoga sets and meditations directly working on the themes related to that number. You will be mentored and supported on your path and the teachings of the numerology will also be personalised to your date of birth, so it becomes a meaningful map of guidance in your life.

For more information or To book your place on this exquisite journey to the SELF, please contact Preet on: mailto:preet@kundaliniyogasoundhealing.com


“The Karam Kriya course far exceeded my expectations. Preet skilfully and sensitively guided us through the information giving us a deep and profound experience of Karam Kriya & Kundalini Yoga. This course has taken me deeper into the teachings in a meaningful way which has greatly impacted on my life.”

~ Matinder Kaur