Karam Kriya Numerology

Initial Consultation: £90
Follow up sessions: £60

Together we will navigate the complexities of life in a sacred space of grace, love, truth and commitment, empowering you to step into your highest self and embrace the limitless possibilities that await.

“Preet Kaur is a compassionate and skilful practitioner of Karam Kriya. Her deep understanding and the wisdom of Karam kriya enable profound insights, which give clarity and help when needed. Preet Kaur shares her insights with grace and a lightness of touch, which makes one feel safe, supported and honoured. I highly recommend her.”

~ Karine Butchart

‘I have been blessed to receive several of Preet’s different healing techniques. I have always found her to be authentic, supportive and committed and my experience of Karam Kriya brought more of the same.

My expectations of the session was to gain a greater knowledge of Karam Kriya. What I actually received was a deeper insight to my own workings. Since the online meeting I have had several visions of clarity. As always, Preet has been on hand to answer questions and offer further guidance.

I feel I am gaining such traction in areas of my life that have felt stuck and insurmountable that I have just booked my second session! Thankyou as ever Preet’

~ Nikki